Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Cisco Tetration and AnyConnect NVM: Endpoint Visibility for Cloud Workload Protection Policy

In my last blog, I discussed what questions we could get answered when streaming AnyConnect NVM (Network Visibility Module) to Cisco Tetration:  Cisco Tetration Endpoint Visibility with AnyConnect NVM
If interested in learning more on how Tetration will help answer the questions, please continue.  I have an in-depth 15-minute demo of the solution here: 

If you would rather not spend 15 mins and jump to a section that is of interest please proceed to the following links:
  1. AnyConnect NVM and Tetration Endpoint Profile:
  2. Tetration Inventory Filters leveraging LDAP Annotations:
  3. AnyConnect NVM and Tetration Flow Search:
  4. AnyConnect NVM and Tetration Zero-Trust Policy Creation and Enforcement:
  5. AnyConnect NVM and Tetration Policy Analysis and Compliance:
Hope you enjoy, and most of all learn something new! Please reach out to me with any questions or comments. Thanks!

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